Friday 18 January 2019

The Great Crimson Fists Sale (Part 4) and finally all the rest :)

Welcome to (part 4) of the Great Crimson Fists sale, If you have read (part 1, 2 or 3) you can skip this bit :) 

It has been a 30+ year love affair but all things must come to an end.  With a sad sad heart its time to say good buy and let someone else take on the mantle of Chapter Master of the Crimson Fists.

This army has taken many years to collect and paint and it is obvious that the later painted figures are better as my painting style changed, from; table top standard i.e. just get it on the board to the later -me beginning to slow down and enjoy painting.  

10 Tactical Marines

10 Tactical Marines

10 Tactical Marines

10 Tactical Marines - I'm missing a Sergeant but a have an extra one below.

23 Sternguard 

10 Vanguard

10 Vanguard with magnetized jump packs

5 Legion of the Damned

10 Assault Marines 

10 Assault Marines 

15 Devastator Marines

10 Devastator Marines

10 Devastator Marines

Press here to view the ebay auction

The Great Crimson Fists Sale (Part 3) Characters, Terminators and Dreadnoughts

Welcome to (part 3) of the Great Crimson Fists sale, If you have read (part 1 or 2) you can skip this bit :) 

It has been a 30+ year love affair but all things must come to an end.  With a sad sad heart its time to say good buy and let someone else take on the mantle of Chapter Master of the Crimson Fists.

This army has taken many years to collect and paint and it is obvious that the later painted figures are better as my painting style changed, from; table top standard i.e. just get it on the board to the later -me beginning to slow down and enjoy painting.  

Chapter Master Pedro Kantor and 3 Space Marine Captains

10 Honour Guard

Captain Lysander (Crimson Fists Colours) 2 Terminator Chaplains

Sorry I never got around to completing the Librarian and 2 Chaplains one with jump pack 

Tech Marine and 4 Servitors

10 Terminators  

6 Terminators

5 Terminators

Mixed bag 

10 Bikers including my converted quad bike.

We have a mixture of Dreadnoughts here I think 3 are metal and the rest plastic and one scratch built Chaplain Dreadnought 

Oh look extra bits.

Press here to view the ebay auction

The Great Crimson Fists Sale (Part 2) Vehicles

Welcome to (part 2) of the Great Crimson Fists sale, If you have read (part 1) you can skip this bit :) 

It has been a 30+ year love affair but all things must come to an end.  With a sad sad heart its time to say good buy and let someone else take on the mantle of Chapter Master of the Crimson Fists.

This army has taken many years to collect and paint and it is obvious that the later painted figures are better as my painting style changed, from; table top standard i.e. just get it on the board to the later -me beginning to slow down and enjoy painting.  

Scratch built Damocles Command Rhino with Forgeworld Dozer Blade and interchangeable parts

2 Rhinos and 2 Razorbacks

3 Predators

Old School Whirlwinds from the original Rhino set 3 for £9.99 Bargain and yes I am that old :)

Yes your eyes do not deceive you, that is a Terminus Ultra pattern Land Raider and an Achilles-Alpha Pattern Land Raider (scratch built) 

2 Land Raider Crusaders

1 Land Raider Redeemer and 1 Land Raider 

3 Drop Pods

Converted Stormraven Gunship , looks like someone watched Star Fleet as a kid, anybody remember the X Bomber :)

2 Converted Stormtalons Gunship, I hated that model when it came out so I had to convert it.

Extra bits and some are even magnetized :)

Press here to view the ebay auction