Sunday 23 May 2021

Indomitus - Painting Necrons Blackstone Fortress Style pt6 Night Scythe "my way" - Cylon Raider


Welcome back to my Necron speed painting challenge, this week Night Scythe and confession time once again.  This is another model by GW that I love but hate, I love the shape of it and the idea, as a massive Battlestar Galactica fan 1978 and 2006 revamp, the night Scythe reminds me of the revamp Cylon Raider.  And just like BG I see Necron's as AI's placed in machines, so why would you need to place a pilot into a fighter, surely download a consciousness into the machine or construct - just le the Doom Stalker and such.  So the pilot had to go....

Just an army update - it is coming on nicely, I need ten more Necron warriors and the new flayed ones, then I'll be getting close to 2000pts

I bought / recycled a Night Scythe from Ebay for £25 and I had a spare Canoptek Reanimator I was never going to paint, time to kit bash.  

My plan was to rip out the pilot, straighten the edges and place the spine from Canoptek Reanimator a quick simple conversion.  yes.... I know it is an extra expense but in my opinion it was worth every penny :) 

As you can see he has been painted in the exact same way as the Skorpekh Destroyers, you have got to keep the theme :)

I have used the Necromunda base tiles for the main part of the base with added stuff from my spare bits box - kids never through anything away, you never know when it will come in handy (I'm sure my 40k hobby has made me into a hoarder) :)

I couldn't help my self, I'm a weak minded fool when it comes to the new shiny shiny :)

Sunday 16 May 2021

Indomitus - Painting Necrons Blackstone Fortress Style pt5 Canoptek Doomstalker "my way" - Attack of the Tripods

Welcome back to my Necron speed painting challenge, this time Canoptek Doomstalker.  After making a very straightforward kit bash and convert to a tripod and using a suitable large base it was time to paint.  As you can see he has been painted in the exact same way as the Skorpekh Destroyers, you have got to keep the theme :)

Sneak peak of next time, wait where's the pilot!? - Its a "Cylon Raider" it shouldn't have a pilot...... 


Monday 10 May 2021

Indomitus - Painting Necrons Blackstone Fortress Style pt4 Lokhust Heavy Destroyer "my way" - Attack of the Tripods


When the second wave of Necrons where released many moons ago I thought what a cool idea, OK it is a bit Terminator T800ish..... But I did not like the Destroyers, why when you have the greatest arcane tech would you design a flying go-kart scarab abdomen as it's platform (my personal opinion btw)? surely there is a better way.  Then the Skorpekh Destroyers where released and I know I could now bring myself to own a Nercon army.  

So how was I going to tackle the new Lokhust Heavy Destroyers, the answer was easy.  When the Indomitus box set was released the internet was awash with people trying to offload the Skorpekh Lords, I was lucky enough to pick up three very cheap on ebay £5 including postage.  I know what your thinking the Lokhust Heavy Destroyer are £21 each and then you add a £5 that's a high price to pay.  Yes you are right, they are expensive, but in my mind it is all worth it, especially, if  you are able to buy online and pick the Lokhust Heavy Destroyer up with 20-25% discount like at wayland Games and other sites, Then you have not lost money but gained a figure worthy of joining the ranks of the Necrons and they are flying Tripods... come on, that's cool :)

I have not included how I converted my Lokhust Heavy Destroyer because there was no conversion needed, it was a very simple cut and shut and a repose of the legs to make each one a little unique.

I also worked out I could retro fit the Lords body on the Lokhust Heavy Destroyer body.  I wont be painting these, they may go on ebay or sit on my shelves for an eternity as punishment for existing,  I dislike them that much.

I used my easy speed painting technique and they took no time at all to paint, don't forget this is a speed painting exercise after all, but I still want my figures to look cool :)
links to painting guides:-

They fly by the way

Oh, speaking of Tripods, what's that on the left?

Wednesday 5 May 2021

Indomitus - Painting Necrons Blackstone Fortress Style pt3 Skorpekh Lord


Welcome back to my Necron speed painting challenge, this time Skorpekh Load.  After making / bit bashing a suitable large base it was time to paint.  As you can see he has been painted in the exact same way as the Skorpekh Destroyers apart from the claws and he is bigger :)

It also used up a lot more masking tape too :)

Also another sneak peak of things to come - My converted Tripod Lokhust Heavy Destroyer