Last year I made this helmet for Throne of Skulls with my army list painted on the back, quite a few people commented on how much they liked it. So I though tmay be other people would like to try it with the plans I made, it's not for the faint hearted but it was fun to do. It took a couple of weeks to make and some basic knowledge on using an electric jigsaw, but other then that most people will be able to attempt it, also note that it's a little heavy so cardboard or plasticard could be a suitable replacement and negates the use of a jigsaw.
Below are the 5 x A3 print outs used for the templates for the helmet and I copied/traced them onto 6mm MDF board to cut out, note the blue line is the join for parts 1 and 2. I glued the parts together with Evo-Stik fast drying wood adhesive because its extremely strong and while this was drying it was held together with dabs of glue from a hot glue gun because it sets in seconds, but watch out for blisters the hot glue gun can be nasty because surprisingly it gets very "hot" I never learned and got hot glue on a blister, getting burnt once is ok but to do it twice in the same place, now that's stupid!
plan - side view pt 1 |
plan - side view pt 2 |
plan - top view |
plan - front view pt 1 |
plan - side view pt 2 |
Below are the images after the frame work has been glued together, as you can see I used the plans to build up flat plains, edges and batons to make the basic shape extremely strong if a little heavy. Another thing to mention is; I have a large round head so the plans are a little large but you could always make it smaller or larger, so if you are going to embark on this project make sure your head will fit inside it before you start :)
basic MDF shell "front" |
basic MDF shell "back right side" |
basic MDF shell "back" |
basic MDF shell "front right side" |
Next time I will be building up the rounded areas of the helmet and seeing how many clamps I can fit on it, good luck and enjoy.
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