It's been a while and I've been a little busy. I used GW's Crypt Horrors as inspiration for my daemonic possessed Armiger Warglaives and I thought I would do a few step by step images of how I created them.
First I wanted to have all the legs in different posses, so I cut up each set and re-positioned them.
I also included daemonic claws on two out of the three sets.
I used cocktail sticks, spru and guitar strings to create the basic frame.
Then I started to use layers of milliput and green stuff building them up over several days. I choose green stuff on the back bones as I thought they would be fragile if made from Milliput, green stuff has bend-ability :)
I intend to create the weapons and aromour similar to Forge World's Gal Vorbaks, I'll post more images soon.
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