4 wheel conversion set from 27mm wheel set http://zinge.co.uk/index.php?route=product/product&path=18_59&product_id=143
6 wheel conversion set are from 2 x 23mm wheel set with 4 x hub caps
Originally posted on Bell of Lost Souls http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2014/04/outside-box-salute-2014-special-edition.html I sooooo want one, or three :)The conversion set is from my old friend Kit at Zinge Industries he told me months ago he had an idea of making wheels for the new vehicle coming out before it was released, but I had no idea it would better then the original, in my opinion it's 10x better. I spoke to Kit last night and he told me that the sets went down a storm at Salute and they sold out in no time. He informs me he is frantically in the process of making more...